Monday 8 May 2006

All That We See or Have Seen

A Prounen, El Lissitzky, 1925
From last Tuesday's post:
[...]you can cease to hold particular feelings toward someone overnight (at least, consciously - whether my dreams will betray me...)

Touché, my unconscious mind. I had a dream fairly similar to the one I had a few weeks ago and I was obviously still thinking about the world war research I mentioned in my last post, as the relevant 'act' of this morning's (lunchtime to the rest of you) dream took place at some sort of conference on the world wars, just after the lunch meal. Opposite at my table was her. I looked at her, and once again that was it.

The rest of my dream had something to do with The Simpsons (which I've been watching far too much of lately) and a small stream, which I can't say has been on my mind - can't say there were any red curtains either.

I woke up feeling crap thanks to dreaming of her when I'm trying to fucking move on. I'm trying not to think about it, or I'll end up in a depressing spiral of regret. I've realised that I've just listened to WXJL Tonight twice in a row. I can only hope I speak fluent French in the morning.

Just when I think I'm winning, when I've broken every door
The ghosts of my life grow wilder than before
Just when I thought I could not be stopped
When my chance came to be king
The ghosts of my life grow wilder than the wind


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