Sunday, 21 May 2006

Turns Our Silhouettes to Gold

I couldn't sleep in that strange time between Saturday night and Sunday morning. I got into bed at 0345 with the curtains slightly open. I tried to rest my eyes by focusing at infinity (the sky), only to notice it was rapidly getting brighter outside. I got up to take a picture of some very red clouds and noticed I'd missed a moonrise in twilight by an hour. I went back to bed and was still awake by 0430. Sunrise is at just under 0500 at the moment, so whilst I was up I took the opportunity to go into the living room, looking NorthEast, and watch the sunrise.

I find something very enchanting about the twilight hours up here in the summer. At the solstice, the Sun is under the horizon for 6 hours, and not very far under - it's only black enough to look like night between 2315 and 0330. It's like daylight, except the streets are quiet and nobody is up except me and the night-shifters. It's how I like it - no direct sunlight and no people.

The diffuse blues and light yellows are calming for young and angry people such as myself. I had to wait another 25 minutes for sunrise due to the clouds on the Northern horizon. Having filled my camera storage card with the below shot of the instant the sun made it above the clouds, I went back to the bedroom and listened to Autobahn, and then fell asleep.

Effective Sunrise, 0524 DST 21/05/06


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