Monday, 19 September 2005

Mad Harry: The Road Warrior

I'm glad our Royal overlords are having a great time. I don't know about everyone else, but I love to get my motorbike out and blast across the family farm. Oh no, wait - I live in an urban hellhole.

Obviously you can tell how utterly happy I am that funds, used to sustain Harry's down to earth life are not being used, say, to cure cancer or something equally untabloid.

Harry is seen wearing red, white and black biker gloves, a grey T-shirt and wristbands, and with strategically-placed dirt on his forehead and chin - put there by one of Testino's assistants.

"We had this idea - instead of making sort of fake photos - for me to be who I am," the prince said.

To be who you are? The strategic dirt prince? I prefered it when he was wearing a Afrika Freikorps uniform, so much more entertaining.

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