Friday 16 September 2005


An hour and a half writing a 1000 word Psychology essay. I'm only at ~250 and I'm bored to death. Hopefully the fact that I did a draft at all will appease the Ann, my Psych lecturer.

For all that I prefer the sciences precisely because they avoid all the random disorganised philosophising, Psychology, having prided itself on using the scientific method, still seems utterly factionalised into a myriad of groups all with proof of Theory X that can't be proven.

Is is not inevitable that applying the scientific method to something as FUBAR as the human mind, in all it's random flashes of thought, won't work? It's like trying to find a pattern in a truly random system. This is another thing about the human mind.

We have a greater capacity for finding patterns than we do in finding statistical probabilities. 'Whoah! One of my lottery numbers came up! I'll put more money on next time!' No, you idiot (that's why it's called the Idiot Tax), it does not mean that number, nor anything else you believe you have worked-out, will reappear that next time, nor will any of the numbers you can think of will appear exactly as expected in the lifetime of the universe. Am I communicating my point here? Earth being pulled out of orbit by a Near Earth Asteroid is more likely (statistically, I'm not exaggerating here) than you winning the lottery. If you want to support charities, give them your money in the first place, as if it makes a difference (and you won't do it because there is no incentive for you, except self-satisfaction).

What a horrible species you are.


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