Thursday 29 September 2005

Crushed by the Wheels of Mechanisation

I noticed at lunch whilst going back to college that there was something run-over on the road. Not a pleasant sight. Some morbid fascination made me stop to look at it up-close on the way home.

What I had initially thought was a seagull (somewhat notorious for exploding, supposedly from eating tipex chips), then a rather large rat, turned out to be a grey squirrel, quite common around this area with a surprising amount of other wildlife in the early morning.

The flies were scurrying all over it - which might explain why there were so many wasps around earlier. What you really notice when you get close to the squirrel's furry little body, is how red flesh is. From the way it had been squashed it was stuck between lying on its back, with limbs fanning out, and lying on its left-hand side. If you think the sight of a squirrel's mouth opened and spilling its brains out is disgusting, you really do not want to see how its bloody spine snapped and pierced the skin between the shoulder blades at an angle, jutting out by around 3cm.

I suppose it's a damn sight better than being one of 100 cats to have died in a fecal-carpeted house and have been stuffed between the walls and under the floor.


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