Monday 17 October 2005


My 11 month old cat, Leila, is dead - runover like the Squirrel. I am not happy. I was originally going to write today about whether everyone is [mildly] bi-polar, rather than just the mentally ill. Instead, I'm expanding on it to include some new thoughts on the subject.

Freud theorised that the human mind is split into three parts: Id, Ego and SuperEgo.

Essentially, the Id is instinct and unable to comprehend logic or reason. The SuperEgo is morality gone awry, and the Ego attempts to regulate both in order to fit into society.

Taking this partition theory of the mind, I've also drawn from Gene Roddenberry's commentary on humanity - Star Trek.

[Heavily edited for privacy]

Vulcans (the evolution of their culture can be viewed as a victory of SuperEgo over the Id) and Klingons (vice versa).

In between these two is Humanity. I could also bring in thesis, antithesis, and synthesis for even-greater analogy. Suffice to say, humanity is a mixture of the two extremes of instinctual aggression and evolved logic. Our personalities derive from this conflict.

EuroSoviets has been investigating culture in NS over at SD, and Black Adder said:
Being a Mason is supposed to be 24/7. Game or not it is part of what we are so it translates out into how we react. Masonry isn't an ideology so much like Socialism or Libertarianism, its a moral credo.
I disagree and say that ideology also something that is part of people 24/7. Christians ask "What would Jesus do?" and Marxists try and understand society through the history of humanity.
If NEDs go on a rampage, I - as a Marxist - don't say it's because there isn't enough investment in the community. I say it's because society is rotting under the pursuit of money, clamouring over each-others' malnourished bodies. My worldview is also in conflict.

My comments on society above are humanist - the side that still has "faith" in humanity, and believes that NEDs can be changed and that false-consciousness can fall away for them. Then there's my misanthropist side. Last Friday I was talking to a fellow student about how humans were 'a disgusting virus intent on the destruction of this planet and everything on it'.

It's confusing how I can have two opinions of my own comments... The humanist says my comments are only true of certain individuals in society - eg, that only the capitalists are destroying the rainforest. The misanthropist says my comments are entirely accurate and the faster we destroy ourselves the better it will be for the rest of the species on this planet. The misanthropist has also declared an interest in the sterilisation of NEDs. I believe this is also the side that found Nazism fascinating as a Tweenager - only with my discovery of Lenin at the age of 13 did that end.

This is probably a very difficult article to read, and in all likelihood I've written it just to straighten-out my mind and thoughts to try and understand them. The only resolution available right now, is to refer to humanity in the third person. Must get around to that emotion-suppression experiment...

Leila: nth November 2004 - 15th October 2005


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