Friday 7 October 2005

Come and Talk to G*d on the Party Line

I can think of nothing more dangerous than this: Let me split it into two issues...

"Mr Bush launched an impassioned attack yesterday in Washington on Islamic militants, likening their ideology to that of Communism, and accusing them of seeking to "enslave whole nations"
The Independent
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is the most misleading and contradictory thing ever uttered by anyone in the history of the spoken word. Aside from Afghanistan during 1979-1989 where the two "evils" allied to destroy America's world-renowned tolerance and secular-humanism, compare the following:
"[5.] A classless, stateless, society in which its members have free access to all resources."
"Islamic fascism [is] a totalitarian mind-set, a hatred of the West, fanatical extremism, repression of women, loathing of Jews, a firm belief in conspiracy theories, and dreams of global hegemony.
The two are quite obviously in league.

If you wish to raise yourself above the level of the Monkey President, it is critical you understand that totalitarianism is the correct parallel of Islamic Militancy/Fundamentalism/Fascism. Whatever negative understandings you have of the word 'communism' are wrong and, importantly, unsubstantiated - Again, the word you are looking for is 'totalitarianism'.

"I feel God's words coming to me: 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East.'"
George Bush
Truly the words of the the almighty. Compare:
"Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you"
Exodus 3:14 (King James Version)
I remember being in primary school and being taught not to repeatedly say 'and' and 'get' in a sentence. I'm amazed there's actually a comma.

Rather than say he was: told by the CIA that there were WMDs/a 'freedom-doer' who had to free the Iraqis from tyranny (circle as appropriate for the time of day), he is now insisting he is carrying out divine will. At least with the intelligence reports, someone can be found accountable. At least with the belief in "freeing" the oppressed, his ideology can be found accountable.

By claiming divine inspiration, no-one can be found accountable. If I claim the Invisible Pink Unicorn and the Flying Spaghetti Monster told me to kill college lecturers in order to free classmates from the oppressive workload, I'm pretty sure I'd be in an institution.
"If G*d did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him"
Similarly, if one does not have a decent excuse, you can always invent someone to 'blame' (or credit in this case). Of course, the desire to free people via killing them is not inconsistent with "his" "observed" behaviour (not to mention a number of "his" followers): drowning everyone for stuff other people did, having Beelzebub torment a farmer, inciting terrorism against the Romans (especially the evil-doers at The Judean People's Front and its sister organisations - They were responsible for the Dark Ages! Do you know how long it took to rediscover concrete?).

Where this leads is unaccountability - as if we weren't already heading in that direction.


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