Monday 3 October 2005

I'm Sorry, I Thought I Heard A Politician Speaking Sense

Jack McConnell, someone who has never really looked like a First Minister of anything, has gone insane and spoken sense:
Until there's a solution to the problem of nuclear waste, I don't believe that we should be involved in further generation of nuclear power.
In fact, one could almost say he sounded like he was in touch with the public... except, the SNP believe this is an example of Holyrood taking orders from Downing Street - how exactly? Labour are pro-Nuclear, amongst other things.

Richard Lochhead, Scottish National Party energy spokesman, says:
The first minister should rule out new nuclear power stations once and for all and throw his weight behind turning Scotland into a renewable powerhouse instead of a nuclear danger zone.
Yes! Go the whole fucking hog! Can someone tell me why we're still reliant on non-renewable energy sources? Could it be: lack of political will, corporate manipulation and the rest of the crap that defines our 'democracy'? (Those are also reasons why we haven't been to the Moon since 1972 - it's not like its far)

I find myself gravitating towards the SNP. My SSP vote was wasted whatever way you look at it (their share went down in May, they're in a mess since they booted Tommy from the throne, by definition Marxists should know they can't change the system through the system) and the SNP went up here (here being a safe-labour seat).


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