Friday 14 October 2005

I Smell A Methoxymethane Soaked Rat

How does Wikipedia define advertising?
In general, advertising is used to convey availability of a "product" (which can be a physical product, a service, or an idea) and to provide information regarding the product
Thus, M*Donald's, for example, will perpetually tell you that their cheap crap is now even cheaper and that you can go down to your local M*Donald's to "eat" it (and that you are apparently "lovin' it", in yoof speak).

So let's get to the point: What's the fucking point in perfume adverts? It doesn't pass the above test. Yes, it tells you the leftovers of fractional distillation are available for you to cover yourself in. However, I have yet to see an perfume advert 'tell' me (maybe I can't hear them) exactly what function perfume performs. It's all just 10 second art-pish - stupid angles, climaxing music, semi-clad models/advertising whores.

And you know why they can't say anything? Because the only justification they could ever give for their product is that 'it makes you more attractive to the opposite sex'... and they can't say that due to advertising regulations (nevermind the fact that it is unproven). That's all it's about - sex. No hope yet for your species.


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