Thursday, 20 April 2006

Thursday Morgenspaziergang

Skidging again, I set off and let the wind guide me. I've lived in this area for 6 years now and been going to school in this area since 1991. I had no idea the Golf Course entrance was up the road and I had no idea there was a lane and a stream up that way too. If only I had known that then.

I was going to see if there was another way into the cemetery, but I forgot about it when I discovered Peile Lane - it's a toss up whether to pronounce it as in John Peel or Edson Arantes do Nascimento. Anyway, having forgotten about my intended cemetery wonder, I decided to see if I could walk up the Lyle Hill and the view of the Firth. Except, I forgot the camera. And I stopped at what I thought was halfway (turned out the top was right around the corner).

Take this Google Earth landscape view

Crossed with this Deacon Blue album cover
...and try to imagine the view. Dammit, a camera describes it more accurately.


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