When the yearbook was being written up, we were given sheets of paper with questions that might extract some interesting information from us. There was the classic 'Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?' I answered along the lines of: "Defending Havana during the Cuban Civil War". It remains to be seen whether post-Castro Cuba will provide me with my own Spanish Civil War. That remains the dream.
Anyway, it struck me a few weeks ago that for the first time ever, there's something I would actually like doing that requires physical movement - flying helicopters.

Taking a leaf out of Billy Bragg's life, I've been ever more seriously thinking of joining the RAF to get a heli license. Yes, I know, neither The Clash nor Bragg have anything nice to say about the armed forces. Nor do I, anything other than a revolutionary army is devoid of idealism. Aren't ideals what make us individuals?
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