There was a lot of sneezing and coughing last Friday (24th) afternoon at college. Perhaps that's where I got it from, regardless, I was fine right up until about 8PM when, despite being in the presence of a fully lit gas fire, I felt very cold. By midnight I couldn't stand it and went to bed - an unusual move on my part.
I spent most of Saturday in bed, except for when the feeling of being unclean got to me and I took a shower at half-Eight. In my haste to go to sleep on the previous night, I forgot to brush my teeth. 36 hours is plenty of time for your saliva to deposit a white paste onto your gums. Anyway, I don't know what I was thinking, but I put on my Special Edition DVD of Saving Private Ryan. I can't stand the memorial scenes. It gets me everytime, schucks. Maybe the catharsis helped me sleep. I ate for the first time in 38 hours on Sunday morning, though I still haven't gotten my appetite fully back.
Sunday night was the epitome of poor sleep. I watched Ronin on the computer before watching Broken Arrow ("You're insane!"... "Yeah, ain't it cool?") on Channel 4. By the time that was finished, I was feeling decidedly ill again. I fell asleep at around 0030. Then proceeded to wake up at 0200, 0330, 0600, 0615, 0630; interspersed with numerous moments of insomnia. Throughout the night I was dreaming about Ronin. Obviously the McGuffin element of Ronin was fucking with my brain. I was shooting, except I didn't know who I was supposed to be shooting at, and apparently I was doing it all wrong. I also seemed to be the director of the film, as I kept waking myself up for enacting scenes that weren't in Ronin (indeed, the entire dream was unremeniscent of that film, aside from taking place in small French streets at night). There were moments where I was conscious that I was dreaming and managed to keep myself under lest I wake up again - all during which I was in a profuse cold sweat, which greeted me when I woke up at 1030.
Not much has happened this week, and you won't be hearing from me again until roughly the 10th of April - as I am off to Gran Canaria tomorrow afternoon... better be a bloody internet café...
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