Wednesday, 18 January 2006

Twenty Twenty-Four

Perhaps for the first time ever, I didn't feel secure yesterday. I'm not scared of terrorists, muggers or that Christian deity. My fear concerned privacy.

I was thinking about the large number of Poles who work here since Poland joined the EU, and what sort of memories those old-enough have of being under constant supervision. Look at places like Iran and China - both booming economies with rising living standards (though, for how long until it dents profits?) yet strict social control. How many times have Trotskyists, been told to go live in China if they didn't like things here? It's a sure bet I'd be living in a prison in China for publishing what I write here, and equally that there's a Chinese blogger just like me out there. Yet where I can publish freely, at least for now until Project New Labour Century rams its legislation through, the Chinese blogger has to censor himself - much worse that having your work censured later by some distant network admins.

Such freedoms that I have when writing cannot last long in the current climate of war after war... It increasingly looks like Iran is next - if they really did have Nuclear weapons (or where anywhere close to having them) like North Korea, we surely would not be acting in this fashion toward Iran. It's only a matter of gradual acceptance before the West turns into Central Asia. What difference then will there be between Oceania and Eastasia?


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