Islamic militants have used Israel's treatment of Palestinians to rally support for their violent campaigns.He talks about an "anti-semitic tsunami" (which is plainly an attention grabbing phrase a year on from the Boxing Day Tsunami) and then denounces anyone who criticises Israel's internal and foreign policy as an "islamic militant". I've never called for the end of the Israeli state, but I have called for the end of establishmentarianism in Israeli - where being a Jew, being Jewish, or being an Israeli all seem to be the same thing and all make you anti-semitic if you have nothing but blind praise to give.
The chief rabbi however, pointed out that wars in Chechnya, the Philippines and Indonesia would be happening even if Israel did not exist.
This just adds to the anti-semitic problem. A few years ago a Romanian newspaper, in an article on the anniversary of the end of WWII, brought up the fact that it wasn't just the Jews who were persecuted. Israel threw a fit and demanded an immediate apology for suggesting the holocaust didn't happen.
If ever a problem was not solved, if ever it just kept growing, welcome to 2006.
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