How fitting that in a year when everything I think about seems to be from a decade ago the average year of release for the below is (rounded up) 2002. Once again, though, the tracks are skewed toward the first half of the year as one album has truly dominated since then, thus I've stuck with 2011's format.
A couple of years back I said there was always a drive toward finding new material and never giving something a second chance and an opportunity to grow on me. Three years ago I bought Be Your Own Pet's two albums, but they never really meshed, though Bicycle survived on my iPod all that time until I decided to offer them a make or break chance to sit alongside the other compact discs. Well now they do. Coincidentally the other album I gave a second chance was Wire's 154 which I obtained that same summer three years ago. Perhaps I hadn't been in the right mood at the time.
Monday, 31 December 2012
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Road to Nowhere
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Nürburgring map, Public Domain, 1964 |
Possibly more annoying than failed shifts stranding you in neutral is GT5's course maker. As with the FIFA series and Subbuteo, some lay the virtual demise of Scalectrix at the likes of the Formula One series and GT. One of the great things about Scalectrix was the freedom to create whatever track layout you wanted - limited by space and budget, of course. I had always wanted to create a bridge span across the stairs of my old bedroom but couldn't given the amount of pocket money I'd have to blow on extra track pieces (the exact same reason I couldn't expand my Lego train set). So you'd think GT5, free of such limitations, could provide an actual course maker and not a random corner generator.
Friday, 21 December 2012
Panic (Hang the DJ)
But the waters... receded
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Sextant (NOAA), Public Domain |
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Pedal Fury
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Clutch disc, Public Domain |
One of the reasons for getting a wheel (aside from further immersion) is that for a few months now I've been watching Valdudes' Gran Turismo videos on YouTube and Twitch and secretly coveting a place in a subscriber race (which also explains my venturing into the open lobby). One of the near requirements is a racing wheel, simply due to the greater control over one's virtual vehicle - which is a kind of shibboleth for competent participants. In my own opinion I've mastered the art of driving with the controller. Aside from the joypad being too crude to recover from the majority tailspins, the right analogue stick offers a close approximation of the pedals - I can quite easily feed the accelerator on exits in the absence of traction control (TCS) and graduate the brakes on entry in the absence of anti-lock brakes (ABS). Some people are unbelievably still using the □ and ╳ buttons, and with all the assists turned on the kiddies must think GT is bloody Mario Kart. If you're going to let the computer do everything for you then you might as well play the game in B-Spec mode.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Where Does Time Go?
Part Two of Two.
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A Wistful Look, James Carroll Beckwith |
He's supposed to be old, like 26.
-The Brain, Brick (2005)
Yes, I did wait a year to use that quote. The previous post tangentially touched on my own pessimistic suspicion that I have missed the metaphorical bus. Like the time I decided to take a real bus home from work four years ago on a torrential day before Christmas - I waited in the rain for twenty minutes (not that it mattered since I had already been in it for four hours at this point) and not a single bus appeared. I was therefore prepared for two to appear at once. It turned out they were cancelled due to the flooding. At other times I instead feel there's enough time to just catch the last one. And yet whenever I take a few moments to just lie in bed and think I glance at the clock to find time is flying and I have somewhere to be - it hardly ever seems to do that illusion where it holds onto a second, but then is there really anything meaningful you could do in a second that would wipe out any death-bed regrets you might have?
While We Miss Chances You Can Almost Hear Time Slipping Away
Part One of Two.
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Self portrait, Princess Victoria of Kent, 1835 |
Most of us have never dodged a bullet of that calibre, though I don't think it would be unreasonable to say most people have experience of almost being run-over. Not quite the kind of traumatic event that drives a person to madness thinking of all the variables that could have fallen in place and sealed their fate, but with the multiverse theory in mind it becomes apparent that for every recognisable counterpart of yourself that survives a close-call there may be just as many that did not. And now empathically, or perhaps egotistically, your imagination now places you in your other's shoes. For all that you stood outside the path of oblivion you condemned another you to the fate you are so relieved to have been spared.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
High School Musical 1 (GA-Slag Finale)
According to the education department, none of what you are about to see... ever happened...
Moira as Rektor Eva McColl
Prij as Che
John McIndöe as Juan Perm-ón
Mr McDougall as Andrea Corr as Perm-ón's Mistress
Stewart Dent as Class of 2011 Battle Royale Winner
Alan Menzies as Obersturmbannlehrer ab Historie
Moira as Rektor Eva McColl
Prij as Che
John McIndöe as Juan Perm-ón
Mr McDougall as Andrea Corr as Perm-ón's Mistress
Stewart Dent as Class of 2011 Battle Royale Winner
Alan Menzies as Obersturmbannlehrer ab Historie
June 24th 2011
In the Waterfront Cinema the latest movie freezes and the lights come up. The manager enters and speaks to the audience:
"It is my sad duty to inform you that Eva McColl, principal of the school, entered unemployment at 3PM this afternoon."
The crowd erupts in distraught commotion. Amidst this circus our focus falls on straight-faced Che. Oh what a circus...
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Ask (GA-Slag FAQ 2)
Prijatelj, Rubberducky, Artemis, Llena, Altavoz |
Friday, 30 November 2012
In Central Europe Men Are Marching
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The Frankfurt Parliament, Public Domain |
As the European Union appears to be unfurling and prominent independence movements are afoot in Scotland and Catalonia; it seems relevant to discuss ethnicity and nationalism. The primary aim of the series will be to identify the origin of national identity - the interplay of history, geography, culture, and language in binding populations together in shared character. In the same vein as my political series this set on nationalism will start with a republished college essay - in this case an essay on Bismarck's role in the unification of Germany from HND History. While it doesn't deal with issues of national identity, it does discuss the historical processes that led to the unification of one of Europe's last fractured lands into a great power.
[2000 words],
[Popular in CN],
#Britannia and Me,
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
From The East / From The South
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Chevrolet Camaro Z28 1969 |
«Gran Turismo»,
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Martinis, Girls, and Guns
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SIS (MI6) Building, radim99, 2007 |
Sunday, 28 October 2012
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Commodore 64 startup screen |
Sunday, 21 October 2012
As Heaven is Wide / Of One Skin
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Utrecht Iconoclasm, 2003, Arktos |
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Chant of the Ever Circling Skeletal Family
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Arirang Mass Games - North Korea, 2011, Joseph A Ferris III |
Friday, 5 October 2012
Sojourn II: There Were Always Dreams of Leaving
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We're moving out, 2009, Sint Smeding |
It's been two weeks since I came back from London and I've had time to reflect on the trip and also where I want to go next. If you want to take that as literally seeking a destination then I guess that would be New York City as one of the earliest films I can remember is Ghostbusters and dozens of other films over the years have impressed parts of the city in my mind (nearly all of which are in Manhattan, so I apologise to the other four boroughs). My thoughts about where to go next are actually life questions. The sojourn down south was one of three desires that arose earlier this year. You could call them goals or aims, but I've never thought of myself as pursuing very clear objectives which is why I've always had a problem answering questions about the extent of my desires - which sounds too passionate but intentions sounds too immediate so I'll roll with the former. The issues raising themselves mark this as a 'quarter life crisis'. I thought I'd gone through a quarter life crisis back when I started flunking college in the early days of the blog though in hindsight it bears more resemblance to angst, still how I went through it did warrant calling it a crisis. On the other hand whilst what I'm describing now is far more contemplative than a mental car crash, it is far more of an actual attempt to find personal direction in my twenty fifth year. Thus, this post is labelled as if it were the second part of the London travelogue.
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Sojourn I: London Calling to the Faraway Towns
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Big Ben from the London eye, Prij, 2012 |
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Learn to Fly
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Fireman Sam 2, Myrrien, 2008 |
Sunday, 9 September 2012
It's No Game
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Beijing 2008 sponsors @ April 2007, xiaming |
Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.
-Juvenal, Satire X
I think it's about six years since I ditched television and I've even stopped watching the few shows that I used to keep up with by streaming or downloading (South Park, Top Gear, et al), so surely I needn't say I haven't watched the Olympics or the Paralympics. I'm aware that under new laws such action is now classed as treason (and you're not allowed to link to the IOC if you have critical words to say), but Benedict Arnold becomes a hero when you cross the right border. When the Arab Spring hit some of the Gulf States the monarchic governments decreed more bread for the people, not unlike Ceaușescu's ad-libbing mere days before his execution, but aren't they forgetting the circuses?
Sunday, 12 August 2012
It's My Party
I've often thought of 7 as my lucky number, or at least something of a favourite. I write 7 with a line through the vertical on recommendation after my poor legibility in fourth year maths mixed it up with 2. The reason I shoehorned that memory in is because the blog is seven years old today.
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Sleep Dealer
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red bridge, the|G|TM, 2009 |
I put that cut there at the end, imposing an ambiguity from outside the film. That always felt the right ending to me - it always felt like the appropriate "kick" to me.Regardless of which is the true narrative of Inception, it brought lucid dreaming into the popular consciousness which can still be seen two years on. And two years on I'm marginally closer to lucid dreaming.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Then The March Led To Assault
Part One of Three.
Hvamsfjordhur signature image, February 2006 |
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
The Rising Tide to New York City Did They Ride Into The Street
Send us your brightest, your smartest, your most intelligent,
Yearning to breathe free and submit to our authority,
Watch us trick them into wiping rich people's asses,
While we convince them it's a land of opportunity.
Engraving on the Statue of Happiness, GTAIV
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Captain Ramius was an old submarine commander who had spent too many years at sea waging a pointless and inglorious pseudo war to maintain the balance of power. This has next to nothing in common with what I'm about to say. I miss the peace of delivery on a Saturday morning. It's now eight months since the Delivery Methods Revision and this week marks five years since I started the job.I miss the peace of fishing like when I was a boy.- Marko Ramius, The Hunt for Red October
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Risky Ride
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Peugeot 908 on Ligne Droite des Hunaudières |
«Gran Turismo»,
[1500 words],
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Drive Forever
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Drive By Shooting : Electric, drp, 2004 |
I'm currently seven and a half hours into Gran Turismo 5's rendition of 24 Heures du Mans. For now I have a goal, but I'll be searching again when the clock comes full circle. Open road. Let's just go. Drive forever.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
You Spin Me Right Round
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Rear cover art (G, Garbage, 1995) |
The older generations oft pine for the crackle of vinyl and the large elaborate cover art, and I sympathise as someone who has undergone the rite of digging through parents' vinyl collection. Our attitudes to distribution media are more tied up with memory and nostalgia than any qualitative superiority as some audio enthusiasts are always attempting to prove. Whilst technological progress enables me to carry one and a half thousand songs on my old 8GB iPod Nano, which is a hell of a lot more than the 8 track decks my Dad remembers, my own musical experiences in the 90s bind me to the compact disc.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
A Design For Life / The Messerschmitt Twins
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Electron micrograph of Bacteriophages, Public Domain |
To begin with, we're not quite what you'd call human.Back in the 90s I had a lot of shareware and (unbeknownst to me) pirated games. When the PS/1 was replaced with an Aptiva in 1998, I set about porting my stuff via floppy disk. The instant A Drive engaged the screen cut to a blue and red DOS prompt warning me that a virus had been detected. To put it mildly, this was not the most encouraging thing to happen with the brand new computer, as I had a legacy of breaking the old one. This was my first experience with an anti-virus programme and I had never even considered that all those dodgy floppies might be riddled with anything other than the files I put on it. The particular viruses that were detected by Norton (of cross-armed fame) are long forgotten, but in the following years I was captivated by the idea that there's something almost alive in the digital world - unseen technological analogues to our organic processes.
[1500 words],
Monday, 5 March 2012
And The Money Kept Rolling In (And Out)
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Corporate (red)washing, jonathan mcintosh, 2007 |
[2000 words],
#Marx and Me,
Royal Mail
Saturday, 4 February 2012
The Street Parade (Rock The Casbah)
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President John F. Kennedy, The COM Library, 2009 |
Kings were put to death long before 21 January 1793, but regicides of earlier times and their followers were interested in attacking the person, not the principle of the king. They wanted another king, and that was all. It never occurred to them that the throne could remain empty for ever.
- Albert Camus, The Rebel, 1951
[1500 words],
#Marx and Me,
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Don't Believe a Word
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mirrors_2, ze1, 2003 |
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