Saturday, 15 January 2011

Listen Carefully While I Sing My Comeback Song

Mirrors, Olly Wright, 2006
When all else fails resort to a post about blogging...

When last January rolled around this blog was stagnating. For whatever reason I couldn't write - whether that be writer's block or the limitations of the interface - and resolved to at least post once a month. From all the drafts and notes I decided to work on one of several delayed (seven years) editions for my old website from school. Having spontaneously returned to form, I quickly found myself facing a self-imposed minimum of four posts a month. By June I had completely exhausted the long-standing pool of draft posts and was either resurrecting abandoned posts, republishing old essays, or simply hoping something would come along and inspire me.

Despite this being a hobby with no audience, except that one post that's highly popular in South Korea for some unfathomable reason, my desire to maintain momentum began to creep toward stress especially in December when events conspired to and did kill that drive. As throughput at work stayed high into the second week of January, my altered plans were pushed back even further. I've kept this as the first post of the month, but it's so late that it's pushed back my Buffy retrospective due for the 13th. Looks like that might need to wait another year. I've still got scheduled holdovers from December as well as a few drafts from the latter half of 2010 to work on. There's also commentary on Wikileaks and North Korean politics that would have been relevant had I the chance to write about them when they were in the news.

Whilst I'm here I might as well list some forthcoming posts, as if anyone is reading this and will hold me to account for not getting round to them...
I'll settle for under four hundred words - it was a struggle to avoid lapsing back into writer's block.


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