Monday, 31 July 2006

Foreign 6: Running Still, Standing So Close

If I was still doing Psychology, I'd have good case study material: interactions between several male adolescents in the presence of a single female adolescent. Lots of 'watch me drown this other guy!' Anyway, I've been having 3 dreams a night for a few days now - that is, each is interrupted by a trip to the toilet because I've been drinking a lot of Irn-Bru every night. This morning, one was more disturbing...

In the dream I receive a copy of this banned VHS1. The video is heavily disjointed wit no explanation of events - the essential facts are that a group of six B-movie cannon-fodder teens have entered this multi-level windowless haunted house2. I never see this preface, but I know it nonetheless. I fast-forward through grainy footage of empty rooms on the mid-level, although there's a feeling that accompanies the footage. A white face flashes on the screen for a few frames. Not scary in itself, but again accompanied by an uneasy feeling and also the knowledge that something horrifying is happening to each victim (progressively worse, at each level). By watching the video, viewers are then cursed1 to die according to which scene they saw.

Either I've overcome the instinct to check-out girls only when on holiday, or there just aren't many girls around. I've only really noticed two: the aforementioned girl at the top of this post who is more often than not jumping into the pool; and the little-seen brunette in the blue skirt (blue again?) - she always seems to be leaving, rarely around the pool. Otherwise, I've been content to sit poolside flashing no colour, listening to decent music. The only irritants are the fucking flies, the bossy English 6 year-old whose every utterance is broadcast as a loud command, and the perpetually cannon-balling Germans.

I shouldn't have logged into CN the other day - My mind keeps going over how I'm going to rebuild, how much damage my nation has taken, how much aid will I apply for, etc...


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