Thursday, 27 July 2006

Foreign 3: I'm With The High Command

I've managed to get online today for €2.50 and as I understand it, the Great War is all but over - not ending with great victories, but with a cessation of hostilities after 10 days of stalemate. From my vantage-point, Legion appears to have emerged statistically in the lead. As myself and Dobb predicted; Legion, as the only alliance capable of that, would benefit from all 3 positions: the Order, CoaLUEtion or neutral.

Presuming the ceasefire is still in place on my return, post-war CyberNations will be wary of renewed conflict and see a cold-war emerge amongst the Pacifican and CoaLUEtion aligned alliances. The ODN and NAAC, for their actions against the NPO, will not be forgotten by Pacifica. Any future war will likely see both those alliances taken-down as soon as possible. I can't see GATO and the NPO speaking after the latter's about-turn with regards to the luecide issue - condemning it and then attacking Pacifica concerning its response to LUE. Legion will only be forgiven, grudgingly. NPO-Legion relations will likely be quite cold - a lot of nations are very upset with Legion's apparent opportunism, after the assistance in the WSA war.

Don't the best episodes usually come in two parts?

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