This year started with a rich mixture of contemporary releases and older hidden gems thanks to "legal downloads", until May or halfway through the list when I was recommended Trademark Ribbons of Gold. I almost didn't listen to anything else for four months until the pace picked up again when I finally purchased GTAIV and Rockstar did once again provide some well playlisted radio stations. Come the end of November I remembered to check for new releases which led to a cascade of new material for consumption. The below playlist is no longer by month as it would be pointless listing one track for each between May and September.
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Running Blind Through Killing Fields, Bred To Kill Them All
First Person Shooter, rimblas, 2009 |
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart
Playstation 2 Collection, PseudoGil, 2007 |
By last Christmas I made enough to afford one, not due to lack of tips over three seasons, but because the price has barely moved. At the time of writing it appears the cheapest model has finally dropped under £200. I imagine that won't last as Sony will employ the same trick they've been using for five years - halt production, swap out the hard drives for larger ones, restart production and slap the old price tag on them. Given how bloody long it has taken for the price point to decrease, adjusted for half a decade's inflation it probably hasn't at all.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
It's in the Trees, It's Coming!
missingno, bencanfield, 2010 |
Monday, 31 October 2011
You Could Feel The Sky
Twentieth Century Fox (suck it, Murdoch) |
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Just the Two of Us
Crushed By The Wheels of Industry (Music Video), Heaven 17, 1982 |
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Some Might Say
Flag of the Getae |
*A Concise Historical Grammar of the Albanian Language is currently £154 on Amazon and only partially viewable for free on Google Books.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Seen Enough?
Before the fall when they wrote it on the wall
When there wasn't even any Hollywood
They heard the call
And they wrote it on the wall
For you and me and we understood
-The Caves of Altamira, Steely Dan (1977)
Triplets 14th Street, heather, 2007 |
Monday, 12 September 2011
Lose Control
Star Wars Collection, Brian Hathcock, 2007 |
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Great Times in Commotion
9/11 Flipbook, scott_bl8ke, 2011 |
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Cinnabar / Phthalo Blue
Litmus, magnuscanis, 2009 |
Friday, 12 August 2011
All Important Rubbish Made to Publish Made to Last
It's that time of year again I allow myself to write the worst easiest kind of blog post.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
London's Burning With Boredom Now / This is England
London riots, Sean MacEntee, August 2011 |
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Phonemes Solo
The Railway Crossing, Fernand Léger, 1919 |
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
A is to B as B is to C
Turquoise Hexagon Monolith, Prij, October 2010 |
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Everything Must Go
Testing my CLK-GTR around La Sarthe, Gran Turismo 4 |
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Into The Nineties and Beyond
Around this time eight years ago I was sitting my Higher English exam (first of two tries). For the writing segment you're given a booklet with roughly a dozen topic sentences to pick from. I can't remember what topic led me to write an embarrassing China Syndrome knock-off - in fact I'd like to forget it entirely. I disliked it enough that I put an apology at the end. However, in the preliminary exam a few months before, I wrote an A+ story I really wish I had gotten photocopied - it was probably one of the best things I had then written. The topic I chose in that exam was "Write about a time you went to hospital". When I saw it I immediately thought of the time I broke my arm in primary school, but I realised that the topic did not necessarily mean 'write about a time you were admitted to hospital' allowing me some room for genuine on-the-spot creative writing. Soon after I intended to rewrite it from memory (it was a single page at most) for my old website, but I never got round to it and the following is therefore an extremely loose reconstruction. I also can't remember how it ends.
Monday, 30 May 2011
My Favourite Game
My Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR 98, Gran Turismo 4 |
I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.At least Adams' were set by his publisher - mine are all my own making and I was much better at meeting them last year. I was hoping to complete a lot of draft posts this month but I dropped everything to play Gran Turismo 4 for three weeks. I know I'm an instalment behind, but it got neglected in favour of Metal Gear Solid 3 at the time.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
There'll Be No Doubt In Your Mind, You'll Believe Everything I'm Saying
X-Files Title Card (Season 1 DVD) |
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Play To Win
No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.
-Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 1947
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
When You Walk Through Me
I wanted to see Source Code last week in the cinema but I was ill and I was becoming desperate to avoid spoilers so I viewed it by other means (you know the means I mean). Make note that I will of course pre-order the DVD because I liked the film and wish to ensure more like it get made.
'Inception meets Groundhog Day'. I hate these descriptions that paint everything as a mashup of two existing works. That's not to say that there aren't similarities to other works, which I'll address in the spoiler section, but these comparisons used to market films to preconfigured audiences make little sense under any kind of scrutiny.
'Inception meets Groundhog Day'. I hate these descriptions that paint everything as a mashup of two existing works. That's not to say that there aren't similarities to other works, which I'll address in the spoiler section, but these comparisons used to market films to preconfigured audiences make little sense under any kind of scrutiny.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Ready Let's Go
Beyond The Infinite, Prij, 2005 |
I remember when I was around nine, and hardly anyone in my class could name the first man on the moon, my dad had told me about the first man to go into space. He and the others that followed him were mortal men and women, but they have and will find themselves amongst the heroes in the sky. I'd rather kids want to be like Yuri Gagarin or Neil Armstrong than one of Simon Cowell's puppets because it's exactly what needs to happen in order to regain the future that should have been already.
One of the earliest releases from the original Human League was a tribute to Gagarin, but also a tribute to the people of the Soviet Union that made it possible. The Dignity of Labour chronicles the miners digging coal to make steel with which engineers construct the launch pad and craft that propel Vostok 1 and its occupant upward into the void.
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Don't Steal Our Sun / The Past Inside The Present
under this clock..., paloetic, 2010 |
Time and tide wait for no man. A pompous and self-satisfied proverb, and was true for a billion years; but in our day of electric wires and water-ballast we turn it around: Man waits not for time nor tide.For a few years in school I refused to set my watch according to Daylight Savings. The very idea of gaining and losing an hour each year was absurd. Noon is noon - the point of day when the Sun is directly overhead. Of course this is never actually the case in most places even within a perfect time zone system, never mind the absolute mess that passes for a system in practice, but it's accurate enough for common use. If DST irritates me (and it is as I write this at
-Mark Twain
Monday, 7 March 2011
The Times They Are...
The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular, 1995 |
The generally agreed point at which The Simpsons faltered lies between Seasons 9 and 10 (roughly 1998). By that measure the show, now in its twenty-second season, has been poorly-written for over half its existence. The common argument against criticism of the latter seasons is that viewers have become overly-familiar with the early episodes through heavy syndication/repeats. As the "bad" now outnumber the golden age ones, that can no longer be true. They can still put out what are good episodes, but they're thin on the ground. The decline must be borne from a change within the writing staff as it is the tone of the episodes that together define the series. In particular, certain writers may not have been familiar with the tone or the show at all.
Monday, 28 February 2011
Music is Math
Broken Record, Auntie P, 2005 |
Originally the album was a collection of physical media containing a lengthy coherent piece. The limited length of a single record necessitated that something like Beethoven's Ninth be split across many records bound together like photographs in a photo album. With increasing storage and a commercial and cultural shift in the post-war era toward self-contained songs, the album came to be a compilation of a group's output.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Ask (GA-Slag FAQ)
Two years ago in the GA-Slag Retrospective I wrote about the genesis and development of said site. In this second background feature I've collected some questions about the GA-Slag, addressed some issues, and provided a little background to events depicted in prominent editions.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Walk Out To Winter
Ecosse C285, Dave Hamster, 2009 |
See Christmas? Christmas is a bastard.It goes without saying that Christmas is an exceptional time of year at Royal Mail. It's fittingly the antipode of summer. Whereas the sunny season is so light that overtime claims are banned, December is a cash bonanza for those willing to take on as much work as possible - morning prep, doing parts of other walks, IVO, RLB, driving lorries, working your day off. If you need the money, so be it. I'm not interested in working myself to death so I only opt in for the early starts, mainly to deal with gone-aways and do the detective work required of the mal-addressed items that people continue to post every year.
-Still Game, Cold Turkey (2005 Christmas Special)
Saturday, 15 January 2011
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Home From Above, NASA (Public Domain), 2010 |
Listen Carefully While I Sing My Comeback Song
Mirrors, Olly Wright, 2006 |
When last January rolled around this blog was stagnating. For whatever reason I couldn't write - whether that be writer's block or the limitations of the interface - and resolved to at least post once a month. From all the drafts and notes I decided to work on one of several delayed (seven years) editions for my old website from school. Having spontaneously returned to form, I quickly found myself facing a self-imposed minimum of four posts a month. By June I had completely exhausted the long-standing pool of draft posts and was either resurrecting abandoned posts, republishing old essays, or simply hoping something would come along and inspire me.
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