Thursday, 14 September 2006


Ochre, Prij, 09/02/06
I must be at the other end of a Weltanschauung-cycle. I'm very tired, lethargic even. Tired during the day, wide-awake at night. I've got 20 draft posts waiting to be completed and published. I wonder if I can blame it on my third-in-three-years Venus Fly-Trap dying?

I started a few projects this year to keep myself occupied. Since February I've been working on encoding as much data into a single pixel as possible (close to 9 characters per pixel), as an attempt to express as much about my NationStates and CyberNations nations in forum signatures. It's a good way to stay on top of mathematics - preventing you from forgetting everything you know, and introducing you to some advanced concepts. However, it frequently gets bogged down in excessive lossyness problems for weeks at a time until I think of something just as I'm about to fall asleep at night. Plus, there's always my alternative history project, Enyo, which I had planned to release last New Year, but can't settle on the layout.
One of my big interests is 20th Century History. Whenever I have to do one of those public speaking assessments for English, I try and talk about something I know well and want to inform others - invariably part of the history of said century. Castro, Trotsky, Socialism, Fascism, etc. I mentioned at the end of August my intention to adapt some of my writings into video. At the moment I'm without the means of recording audio, but I've tentatively scheduled the new project for December/January. I enjoyed the Christmas Lectures whenever I happened to catch them years ago, and they've influenced my plans for Tube Alloy, though its precise nature is still being decided. Don't hold your breath, I can't be held responsible for not being arsed in the future.

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
Douglas Adams


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