We were all called into the assembly for a special talk about drugs, m'kay? Chris was promoting a hip new website called Dare to be Different or D2BD as per all the promotional material. The excitement builds as he arrives with his entourage and runs up on stage. Imagine if Dali had been recruited to write a public service announcement.
I'm trying to remember what he actually said about drugs, but I have no idea because like everyone else, I hadn't a fucking clue what was going on. At one point during his hyperactive rambling his phone went off. He threw it at his minder as everyone was brought back to consciousness by its ringing. When you can't follow a narrative you just go to sleep. Suddenly during his impenetrable story about some guy coming up to him in the street he says 'bye' and walks to the end of the stage. After a second everyone snaps awake and thinks that's it over and starts clapping. But it wasn't, he was recalling what he said to this guy on the street that addressed him as 'Chris' rather than 'Mr Eubank'.
What the fuck that has to do with drugs, I don't know. There may well have been some amazing argument against substance-abuse buried deep in his anecdote. We'll never know if it was well hidden or simply not there. As soon as he had delivered his train-wreck tour-de-farce monologue he was out the door to go to the next school. If anything, it's convinced me to never take up boxing. If you want to talk to teenagers about drugs, talk to them. Don't blitz them with fucking celebrities.
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