Tuesday, 21 March 2006

Choice: Shit/Shite

Pepsi has filed a lawsuit against arch rival Coca-Cola over an advertising campaign which it says is false and deceptive
BBC News
Who would have guessed an advert could possibly be deceptive? It's the whole fucking point of the advertising industry. Wow, my breath doesn't smell, but it sure itsn't minty fresh! I think I'll buy some refreshing chewing gum so I can have trendy 20-something friends - the variety you see in Pringles, M&Ms, Wrigley's, Coke, and promotional tie-in adverts.

You must have seen that awful chewing gum advert where the guy is in a subway station (plainly an American one, because I've never seen one in this country that stank of America so much - hey, we all speak English) and he gets out his chewing gum and everybody becomes friends, because everyone likes receiving gum from a stranger... A stranger's just a friend you haven't met. Makes me want to vomit.


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