Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Cinnabar / Phthalo Blue

Litmus, magnuscanis, 2009
Just across the river stands the Rosneath transmitter and on clear days the Black Hill transmitter between Glasgow and Edinburgh can be also be discerned. I remember when I first moved into my current house looking out over the river and imagined seeing rolling longwave signals being relayed across the land. That's of course a misconception of how vision works (perpendicular light does not intersect an observer's eye), but it did make me wonder what the world looks like beyond our three-colour perception.

Friday, 12 August 2011

All Important Rubbish Made to Publish Made to Last

It's that time of year again I allow myself to write the worst easiest kind of blog post.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

London's Burning With Boredom Now / This is England

London riots, Sean MacEntee, August 2011
London's Burning is an exaggeration, of course, but it seems everyone's invoking The Clash these days. So what's happening on the streets down South? Very likely the same thing that happened in France six years ago. It would be easier just to list the problems that exist: mutual hostility between police and youth, economic disparity, high unemployment, political neglect, racism. In return, at provocation the local adolescents take to the streets, burning everything in sight. Sounds a lot like the death of the social contract, but that's really been the case since the 1970s and the destruction of the post-war compromise.