Saturday, 30 June 2007

Blue Light

The Gloaming (Awful Paintbrush Splice), Prij, 2007
I'm using my favourite little gadget to write this. The Padre uncovered it in an office spring-cleaning at IBM. It's a 1999 Palm III branded as an IBM WorkPad - very basic compared to any new PDA. Unfortunately I'm without the data cable and the PC doesn't have an IR sensor (which I was sure it it did). The WorkPad will be replacing the tonne of paper notes that are strewn throughout my room. It's also how I'll be writing whilst in Cyprus next week, and any time I'm away from the computer from now-on. Although I'm a little apprehensive about relying on AAAs and only a minute of backup power. Might turn out to be easier and less stressful to just use paper.

Friday, 8 June 2007

But I Might Never Reach You

"Wrujatou wëb-sögnëh tulanou wrujatifou prajatai, sib smestes röitëëdëjou wräkëšä aþ anemdeizafou nahasai. Ëçë wëb-sögnäh eþ satewai jaami to alirazdlis. Wraajatou Letlavo, sulu saaþefou łafetai ta mërzëh whëb-sögnäh age řodavou þörptysën jaami o çonajou teimi smëstëh välëjai. Sib añereizdalou ëçë."

Maybe that's already apparent. Anyways, catch-up with my happenings next week when I don't have to get up at 0420 for overtime.