Curmudgeon Gamer: A veteran gamer since the heady days of Atari and Commodore - when both weren't just labels. CG reviews games, consoles, and discusses the used-game market, and currently why the PS3 is fubar.
75o South: The blog of an Antarctic resident of two years. Simon came back earlier this year, but there's a possibility he might return. Given the near-total isolation of the continent, he started the blog to keep in touch and show everyone what it's like to live there.

BTW, that's Bob Harris the American comedian, not Whispering Bob Harris.
Geriatric1927: If you don't know who PapaTube is, you must watch TV - you swine. This is 79 year-old Peter's vlog, in which he takes us through his many years. If you like the stories of your grandparents, this is unmissable. He's captured my imagination so much that I'm citing him as an example in an upcoming essay, and may even take this blog to the strange world of moving pictures - witchcraft, I say.
Hmm, that's only four... I'll throw in The Spine, Fly Me to The Moon, and Music of the Spheres (the latter two being associated with Orbiter). And if you finish reading/watching all those, t3h Para might one day publish a new post.
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